Library Checkout Policies
Library Policies
Check out guidelines:
*PreKindergarten-First Grade ~ 2 books
*Second Grade-Third Grade ~ 3 books
*Fourth Grade-Fifth Grade ~ 4 books
Students visit the library weekly or bi-weekly and practice self-selection of their books. Books are checked out for two weeks at a time, and students may recheck their books if they would like to keep them for longer than two weeks. There are no fines collected for late books.
Lost Book/Damaged Book Policy:
Any student checking out materials from the school library is responsible for the care of these items. Fines will be assessed for damages, and students are required to pay for lost materials in the amount necessary to purchase an exact replacement or one that is comparable if the item is no longer available. Refunds, for lost materials that are later found, will be made if the item is in good condition and is returned within the school year in which it was lost.